ADO.NET comes with two iportant things
1) .net dataprovider
2) Dataset
.net DataProvider:-
.net Data Provider is a collection of classes to perform different operations with database.It comes with 5 .net
data Providers.
1) data provider.
2) data provider.
3) data provider.
4) data provider.
5) data provider.[reqired for smart devices]
Other companies like mysql provided .net providers are called "Third party Data Providers"
Each of above have set of rules provided for communication with DB.This is called native protocol
like TDS[Tabuler Data String] and TDS[Tabuler Network Substrate] for SQLServer and Oracle.
*Data Reader is a Readonly Forword only Process.
Readonly-> It Doesn't Support Manips[insert,update,delete]
Forwordonly -> It supports reading records in Forward Direction.
Data Reader Will fetch Record by Record Into Application Process,this consumes only one record memory at a time.This is
strongly recommended when app Req is reading data only once without manipulation.
1) Datareader cannot maintain multiple tables with Multiple tables with multiple Databases as a offline storage.It can
maintain only with DB connectivity.
2) Data Reader Doesn't support bidirectional Navigations and Maniplations.
3) DR cannot be trasmitted on network wire across platforms.
4) The Solution for the Above Is DATASET.
Data Set:-
1) Dataset Acts like inmemory database for client application process,it is a collection of tables called "Data Tables".
2) Dataset is an independent component with in the form of Dataset class with in system.namespace.
3) Dataset Internal storage is XML, This supports cross platform supports bidirectional transmission.
Data Adapter:-
1)This is a collection of command objects it acts like mediater between dataset and databese server.
2) DataAdaper makes dataset purely disconnected by performing two things.
1)It will read data from database to dataset.
2)It will apply dataset manips to database.
3)DataAdapter Doesn't Have any Importance without DataSet.
4) Fill Method of DB will perform 3 Things.
1) It will establish the connection.
2) It will send stmt to DB using DR.
3) It will close the connection.
Data Binding:-
1) Databinding is the concept of Assigning memory address to control for presentation.will reduce coding burden on developer.
2) The control can be called ad bound control, It can be a grid view or repeater ..,etc
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