Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tags and Notes in Sharepoint MySites

Tags and Notes in MySites

Tags and notes is one of the key featuring in Sharepoint 2010 my sites. This shows the likes and tags of the users which let other users know more about them.

How it works?

When the user clicked on "I like it" or "Tags and Notes" links at the top right of the each page it will ask the name and notes about that tag.

This will be stored as tag to that page and displayed on the users MySite under "Tags and Content"

Removing the inappropriate tags

If the users post something which is inappropriate, Farm administrator has ability of managing those tags by navigating the following link.

SP Central Administration à Application Management à Manage service applications à Click on User Profile Service Application à Manage Social Tags and Notes

This provides a Search page as follows which shows the tags belong to particular page or users. Farm Admin can remove these tags if they are inappropriate.


Please find the following TechNet article to know more about Privacy and security implications of social tagging.



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